
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

what is wrong with me?

guys, i am so lazy.  seriously.  i have all these dreams and fantasies where i spend my days and nights by baking and cooking and getting the apartment into tip top shape.  i then do nothing.  ah!  to be fair to myself, we haven't been home much.  this weekend was spent in boston visiting family and friends.  it was a wicked good time.  but it did take me away from home and the apartment.  my next project is taking our dull end table and turning it into a bright addition to our living room.  first step: sanding.  gets to work, josh!

i did get these jeans though and i invite you to join me in their cuteness.

they're bright royal!  i did a bit too much shopping last week.  impulse shopping at anthro.  never a good idea.

on the cooking front: i tried making a carbonara last night.  BUST.  major bust.  i threw away the recipe because i was so angry.  i mean, it was edible.  pasta and bacon.  you're crazy if you don't eat it.  but nothing i would make again.  i'll try a different carbonara though.  i'd like it to be a nice pasta dish to add to my resume.  cacio e pepe, pomodoro, carbonara... see how that works?

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